Ligra and Mersive present the Enterprise version of the popular Solstice POD and Solstice Software
Now known worldwide, Solstice is a product created for sharing video and audio contributions in meeting rooms and conference halls.
This product makes it possible to share a single video device (monitor, projector, ledwall, etc.) present at the meeting place, between an infinite number of sources.
All users in the room can simultaneously connect their device (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) to the only monitor present without the use of cables.
This is why Solstice has revolutionised the way we do meetings, brain storming, learning courses and school lessons.
The new version Enterprise allows, via a single control Dashboard, management of all aspects (graphics, notifications, security, etc.) all Solstice devices in the company.
Solstice Enterprise Edition will offer all the collaborative power of Solstice products but with the addition of new features designed for the modern enterprise.
With the Enterprise Edition, Mersive raises the bar for collaboration and sharing systems in corporate networks.
You can choose between the Solstice POD Enterprise version (hardware) or Solstice Software Enterprise (software).
As with the 'basic' (non-enterprise) Solstice version, the user can choose between collaboration with access for up to 4 users (SGE model) or with unlimited user access (unlimited). This choice is available for both POD and software use.
The Enterprise version can be installed, via a paid UPGRADE, on previously purchased devices, or by requesting the new E-coded products (Enterprise)
Find out more about Sostice Enteprise Edition (guide in Italian).

Main features
Technical requirements - Solstice Dashboard for Enterprise Edition
Operating System: Windows 7,8 or 10 / Windows Server 2008 R2
For information or questions write to avpro@ligra.it