Dreams, promises fly...
But then what will happen?
That everyone will have the future
that will be conquered.
Gianni Rodari – Born 23 October 1920
'Let's challenge the present for the school of the future': our contest for all teachers kicks off. Share your ideas, thoughts and activities to tell us how you are coping with this moment of health emergency. Up for grabs for the most voted contribution is an educational robotics kit for the school!
Probably each of you has always had your own idea of an ideal school in your head. Or had one that has changed over time. Certainly the period we are going through is overwhelming the school and disrupting the way it is used, and almost certainly, a bit of your ideas about it too. We like to think that out of the most difficult times can come the best opportunities, so this forced stop, in the midst of all the pain and the many difficulties it is causing, is certainly also food for thought for many of us. Because when circumstances change, we are forced to become more attentive and encouraged to learn new things. Flexibility makes us adaptable.
Starting from this consideration and, at the same time, inspired by the centenary of Gianni Rodari's birth, we came up with this contest. Which is certainly a way to feel close to each other, to share, but it is also a way to look ahead, beyond the moment we are going through, to a future that will surely be influenced by the experience we are called upon to live. And, correct us if we are wrong, that has made us all, willingly or unwillingly, a little more technological.
Our contest, therefore, goes somewhat in line with this thought and would like to unite two souls: those of the teachers still attached to pen and paper, those who still leaf through Gianni Rodari's books with their hands, to those 'digital oriented', with a more technological soul, who perhaps read Rodari on the Kindle. With the hope that these two souls can go hand in hand in our and your school of the future, we extend an invitation to all of you: tell us how you are facing up to the challenge that the present situation imposes on didactics, and how this is affecting your idea of the school of the future.